Commonly Used Methods of Underwater Cutting

For underwater cutting, there are three standard methods to cut steel. These include:
1) Torch Cutting: This includes using high heat and oxygen to melt and cut the metal or concrete. Mostly, people use it to cut thicker material. The process involves using compressed gasses (typically oxygen and acetylene) to generate a scorching flame. This flame is usually concentrated through either an oxygen concentrator or compressor or compressed gas cylinders attached to the torch for direct flow.

Pros: This method is suitable for thicker materials and steel. It’s a simple process that cuts cleanly without any molten metal spilling out of the cut.
Cons: It cannot be used on ACSR Cable since ACSR cable will evaporate and explode when in contact with high heat.
2). Band Saw Cutting: This includes using a thin blade to cut metal. A saw machine with a band blade made of high-alloy steel is used for this process. The blade’s edge has industrial diamonds embedded in it, so when you rotate the blade against the material being cut underwater, it will generate enough heat to cut through the material.
Pros: This method is suitable for ACSR Cable and medium thickness materials. It is also a clean process with no waste spilling out of the cut material.
Cons: It cannot be used on thicker metal because it will bog down the saw machine.

3) Plasma Arc Cutting: A plasma arc cutter uses high voltage electricity to separate atoms in the steel and release metal particles which are then blown out, and molten metal pulled into the kerf. This type of cutting is achieved with a high frequency, high voltage electricity that jumps across the gap in an arc.
Pros: This method is good for thicker metals and ACSR cables. Since no chemicals are present in the cables, it’s a clean process with no waste spilling out of the cut materials

Cons: This method has slower cutting speeds and is more expensive than the other methods since it uses electricity as a power source. Also, it cannot be used on ACSR cables since they will evaporate and explode when in contact with high heat.